Main information

Main information

Asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) teacher, trained and fully insured by the British Wheel of Yoga and also the London Yoga Teacher Training Group.

I have been practising yoga for over 15 years and teaching since 2013. I graduated from two teacher training programmes led by Chloe Fremantle, Peter Blackaby, Giovanni Felicioni, Lisa McRory, Cara Bowen and Judy Cameron.

My teaching follows the tradition of Mary Stewart and Vanda Scaravelli, who studied with the legendary B.K.S Iyengar who enthusiastically endorsed her approach.

The practice is revitalising and energising, yet also gentle and deeply relaxing, with emphasis on grounding, breathing and releasing the spine in the postures.

Yoga with Lina is suitable for all ages, from complete beginners or people who think of themselves as unfit and stiff, through to yoga fans who would like to try a style that focuses on alignment and releasing tension ahead of building muscular strength. Of course if you work with the body it will change, muscles will become stronger and the range of movement will improve.

My emphasis is on encouraging each student to take what they need from yoga, incorporating the benefits into their daily lives so that they can better understand their reactions to situations and deal with the stresses of everyday living.